Recordings as a leader

MotoTrek India Original Soundtrack

Chamber 3, Transatlantic

Chamber 3, Grassroots

Human Spirit, Dialogue

Tattooed by Passion: Music inspired by the paintings of Dale Chisman

Chamber 3, Chaos and Structure

Another Morning


The Sonarchy Session

Quiet Silence

The Road Beings Here

RadioAction – Hi-Fi
Recordings as a sideman

Jim Knapp, It’s Not Business, It’s Personal

Jared Hall, Scene on the Scene

Linus and Juicy, A Holiday Album

Ryan Burns, Postponed Parade

Ron Jones, North By Freaking West

Corey Christiansen, Factory Girl

Ray Vega and Thomas Marriott, Return of the East-West Trumpet Summit

Fight For Space Soundtrack

Ray Vega, Chapter Two

Corey Christiansen, Lone Prairie

Thomas Marriott, Human Spirit

Chad McCullough | Michal Vanoucek, The Sky Cries

Richard Cole, Inner Mission

Corey Christiansen, Outlaw Tractor

Ray Vega and Thomas Marriott, East-West Trumpet Summit

Hadley Caliman, Straight Ahead

Thomas Marriott, Flexicon

Corey Christiansen, Roll With It

Thomas Marriott, Crazy: The Music of Willie Nelson

Modern Jazz: A Collection of Seattle’s Finest Jazz

Christian Eckert, NY3

Mark Taylor, After Hours

Kelley Johnson, Home

Sonia Jacobsen, Avalanche

Ryan Burns, London Bridge Live